UN Secretary general Ban Ki.Moon has extended his congratulating message to the newly elected Pope, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires of Argentina,now Pope Francis on his assumption of the papacy, and to all Catholics across the world on this momentous occasion. In a press satement issued by the UN information Center, the Secretary General noted that he look forward to continuing cooperation between the United Nations and the Holy See, under the wise leadership of His Holiness Pope Francis. Adding that the UN share many common goals with the Papacy from the promotion of peace, social justice and human rights, to the eradication of poverty and hunger which are all core elements of sustainable development. "We also share the conviction that we can only resolve the interconnected challenges of today’s world through dialogue. I am certain that His Holiness will continue to build on the legacy of his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI, in the promotion of inter-faith dialogue which is at the heart of the Alliance of Civilizations initiative." he added.
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