Thursday, April 12, 2012


Its been observed that the discovery of the oil and gas coupled the various mining activities in the Western Region are dwindling the number of youth coming up to trained as Teachers in the area since most of them prefer the courses in those sectors than teaching. This according to experts is affecting the quality of education in the Region.

Mr.Kofi Asare, Director for Action on Rural Education revealed this at a political party conference held by Child Right Internal under the Educational Agenda 2015 Project which is aimed at consolidating discussions from political parties on the drafting of their manifestoes for the elections in Accra today.

Qouting from a research paper on education, that is the Education Agenda 2003-2015 which targets 95% of teachers at the basic levels of education to be trained teachers, Mr. Kofi Asare said the Region recorded only 20% in the year 2011 which is the lowest with Eastern Region recording 40% as the higheist.
He added that the District Assemblies within the Region which are tasked to sponsor interested youth to enroll in Teacher Training Colleges  are finding it difficult to recive enteries due to the fact that most of the youth finds the oil and gas sector as more lucrative.
He therefore called on all stakeholders of education to tackle the nations problem facing education in the Region at the grassroot.